The Kodja Place was made possible by all the help received from within and beyond the Kojonup community: the art & science of video production; helpers assemble at the Opening Day ceremony; the local builder & team members appreciate the architect’s mentoring with the display construction. Photos: left & right by Penny Young; middle The Kodja Place collection.
Acknowledging a team effort
The Shire of Kojonup is grateful to all the photographers whose images are featured in this website. We have tried hard to acknowledge individual photographers, but if any corrections are required, please contact us.
Further photo acknowledgements
‘What to do’ page: All photos by Wendy Thorn, except the Australian Rose Maze photo by Bev Fleay; Yoondi’s Mia Mia photo courtesy of The Kodja Place collection; and the Gift Shop photo by Roz Barber.
‘Must see – Discover more’ photos: Café, Family Fun and Kodj Gallery photos by Wendy Thorn; mosaic photo by Neil Barber; and tractor photo courtesy of Erin Gorter.
Website development
The Shire sincerely thanks the following organisations, individuals and businesses for their assistance with the development of this website. Many of those listed below have made an enormous effort:
- Wendy Thorn of Wendy Thorn Photography
- Glenys Russell of the Kojonup Visitor Centre
- Craig McVee and Jack Cox of the Kojonup Aboriginal Corporation
- Stephen Gash, former CEO, Shire of Kojonup
- The Kodja Place staff (Rosemary Cussons and Anna Boschman) and volunteers (Wendy Thorn – Storyplace, Cathy Wright – Australian Rose Maze, and Chris Lewis – Bush Pockets)
- Andrew Paice (and Rosie Staves) of the Black Cockatoo Café
- Anthony Middleton, Kim Dolzadelli and Dominique Hodge at the Shire of Kojonup
- Lehua Chiswell, and Roz and Neil Barber (photography)
- Brett Iannello of Iannello Design – website design
- Glenn Nicholas and Alison Mather of OM4 – website development
- Alan Dodds of Creative Interactions
- Jenny Nichol of nbd marketing
- Margaret Robertson – website co-ordination, text development and photo selection
- Keith Bradby, Stephen Mattingley, June Lowe, Michael and Joy Lefroy, Barbara Hobbs, Olivia Millard, Geoff Thorn and other reviewers who provided valuable editorial advice.
Financial contributors
The Shire expresses its appreciation to the following organisations and government agencies and programmes for their financial support of The Kodja Place over the years since 1998:
- Commonwealth Government’s Centenary of Federation Programme
- Regional Solutions Programme
- Minister of Commerce and Trade
- Department of Commerce and Trade
- Lotteries Commission
- WA Tourism
- WA Government’s Centenary of Women’s Suffrage
- Community Arts WA (Catalyst)
- Great Southern Development Commission
- Great Southern Area Consultative Committee
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission
- Southern Aboriginal Corporation
- WA Department of Indigenous Affairs
- Healthways
- The Australia Council
- The Kodja Place Community Fund
- WA Department of Culture and the Arts
The Shire also sincerely thanks the ratepayers of Kojonup!