ABC RN ‘Encounter’ interviews local Noongar Elders; the campfire at Yoondi’s Mia Mia provided a wonderful, shared space during the creation of The Kodja Place – now it’s a great space for visitor’s too! Photos: Wendy Thorn.
Our reconciliation experience
Intertwining stories and new friendships
In The Kodja Place: a tool for reconciliation we describe the combined effort of Kojonup’s Noongar-Indigenous and Wadjela (non-Indigenous) communities to create The Kodja Place. We also outline the wonderful outcomes of this joint initiative, including the public acknowledgement of the struggles and achievements of the local Noongar people since European settlement, the development of original storytelling approaches, a stronger sense of shared ground, and new friendships.
Find more here
The ABC Radio National ‘Encounter’ program ‘Place of Axe – Place of Water – Place of Healing?’, about our local Noongar history and the cross-cultural creation of The Kodja Place, was very popular with listeners. Click the play button below to listen to the audio, or follow the links to the transcript.
Listen to Place of Axe - Place of Water - Place of Healing?
Note: ‘Kodja’ and ‘kodj’ are pronounced in the Noongar way – ‘koitch’.