You’ll never look at a wire fence in the same way – there’s human ingenuity and wisdom behind every knot. Locally-made video clips are another great way to connect with the people & stories of Kojonup. Photos: top left by Terrace Photographers; inset left The Kodja Place collection; inset right by The Memory Makers; top & bottom right by Wendy Thorn.
Heartfelt, fun and quirky
Why would the police arrest a whole family? Did the spaceman get on the school bus?
Find the answers in the Storyplace where personal stories raise laughter and eyebrows and stir thoughts and feelings:
‘One good thing about life on the Reserve was that we didn’t have much food but everybody shared.’
Billy Riley
From skin-prickling fire stories and amusing farming anecdotes, to a twenty year struggle for citizenship, Kojonup’s Noongar and settler communities bring together their experiences, knowledge and contemporary viewpoints to give this inside story of Australian country life.
Delve into the Storyplace like you would a great book, with real characters and true stories, enriched by:
- photographs, video and art
- sculpture, architecture and objects.
Be part of the action – make sparks and sawdust fly, watch video clips and listen to stories, and search through story albums and someone else’s drawers!
Read more here
Read about more action in Family Fun
The Kodja Place: A tool for reconciliation